Cerritos EConomic Development Committee
Riaz Surti for Political Office
Bipartisan Leaders and Have Endorsed Riaz!
Don Knabe
Former LA County Supervisor, Former Mayor Cerritos
Congressman Derek Tran
U.s. Representive
Sharon Quirk Sliva
State Assembly Member
Grace Hu
Former Mayor Cerritos
Frank Aurelio Yokoyama
Cerritos City CouncilMember
Mark Pulido
Former mayor Cerritos
Ernie Nishii
Vice President of
ABC School Board of Trustees
Tatiana Yokoyama Bui
abc unified school district, board of trustees
Farrah Khan
Mayor of irvine,
Irvine, california
Ali Taj
Mayor City of Artesia
Juan Garza
Central Basin Municipal Water District
Thomas Barraza
Centralia Elementary School District Candidate
Pat Panaik
PArk & Recs commissioner candidate Cerritos city
Al Barlevy
Let Freedom Ring Committee Cerritos
Election day is March 4th
Vote for Riaz Surti